

// why am I so n00b?


languages JavaScript
date A browser client for streaming music from servers implementing the Subsonic API

Forward: When Is switch to Linux full time, the one Windows application I missed was foobar2000. None of the Linux music players really did what I wanted in a way I felt comfortable with.

I already had a Subsonic server running with all my music, so decided to make use of that. Unfortunately at the time the available browser-based clients all relied on Flash for playback, and were either too simplistic, or supported more stuff than I required (podcasts etc).

Aurial is still my daily-driver music player.

Hosted on GitHub

Aurial is a browser-based HTML/JavaScript client interface for streaming music from Subsonic, Airsonic, Navidrome, or other software and services implementing the Subsonic API, and does not require the use of a Flash-based player or plugin.

Aurial’s aim is to provide a simple, intuitive and straight-forward interface to browse and play your music, and to be as easy to deploy as it is to configure and use.

As such, it focuses exclusively on playback of your music library, and by design does not support other media types, such as video, podcasts or internet radio.

Live Demo

The latest build is always deployed at the above URL, feel free to make use of it for your own purposes, or play around with it prior to hosting your own copy.

Download and Installation

For convenience, the latest automated build is available for download, so you do not need to configure or set up a build environment (if you do want to build it yourself, see the instructions below).

To “install”, simply extract the archive into a directory exposed via an HTTP service (there’s no need for any server-side scripting or database), and browse to that location.

Configuration is done on the “Settings” tab of the main application interface.


Browsing the library Playing some music Playlist support


The project is built via NPM and Webpack.

Install npm for your platform, and then execute the following in the project root directory (alternatively, yarn may also be used):

$ npm install
$ npm run <watch|dist|start>

A dist directory will be produced containing the built output, which may be served via an HTTP server and accessed via a web browser.

watch includes additional debug information, which may not be optimal for production or general-use deployments, and produces a significantly larger download; it recompiles code as changes are made. dist will produce uglified and minified output suitable for “production” deployment. start will run Aurial in Webpack’s dev server on port 8080 (or next available port above that), and allows automatic reloading of the page as code changes are made.