I was browsing around the BeyondUnreal
Forums the other day, and came across
an 11 page
thread, with
around 720 replies, about Monster Hunt.
Interested to see what’s up, I checked the
CSports rankings for Unreal Tournament, and was
shocked to find MH is the #4 most played UT gametype in the world.
Coming in after CTF, DM, and TDM.
Seems people have been making maps like nuts, there seem to be over 300
of them, there are a few mutators and mods available for it as well. I
found there’s even a pretty large fansite, Planet Monster
Not too bad for a mod I thought I had retired nearly four years ago ;).
In case anyone’s arrived here looking for my UT, Tribes 2, etc maps,
mods, utilities, tutorials and things, you’ll find those along with
downloads and things over on my ‘gaming resources’ site: