

// why am I so n00b?

TLDR; There’s now an MQTT Client implementation written in UnrealScript

I’ve been doing a bit of stuff in UnrealScript recently, and reacquainting myself with it.

Something I’ve always been aware of, but have never really looked at in much detail, is that it has an actual TCP client you can extend to implement whatever remote communications protocol you’d like.

For whatever reason MQTT popped up as my candidate to play with, with the thought that you’d be able to publish in-game events to some topics and build interesting things with (the first thing that came to mind was a match stats collection service which doesn’t rely on the traditional process of log scraping), in addition to allowing in-game functionality to respond to incoming events by way of topic subscriptions. And being something targeted at supporting very simple IoT devices, the protocol should be fairly easy to work with.

Thus, we jump into the comprehensive but sometimes strangely documented MQTT version 5.0 protocol documentation to find out how it works. It is indeed fairly straight forward.

Now to find out how the Unreal Engine 1 TcpLink class works. Keeping in mind this was implemented in the late 90s, data was smaller, data structures were generally less complex, and not everything was networked.

Firstly, opening a connection is a bit of a process.

  1. Request resolution of a hostname by Resolve(hostname);
  2. An event, Resolved(ipAddr) will fire, with the resolved IP address (integer representation)
  3. Then, you manually bind the client’s ephemeral port with, a simple BindPort - this immediately returns a bound port number
  4. If your port was bound, you can call Open(ipAddr)
  5. An event, Opened() will fire when the connection is established, and you may now send and receive data.

So slightly more manual than a higher level implementation in most modern languages, but when you consider the engine is single-threaded, it’s quite a reasonable process to get around blocking on network I/O.

Sending data is fairly simple, via the SendBinary(count, bytes[255) function. If you have more than 255 bytes of data to send, it’s a simple matter of re-filling the 255 byte array and repeating, until you’re done.

Initially, I tried to use the ReceivedBinary(count, bytes[255]) event for processing inbound data, but due to a known engine bug, this only serves up garbage data, so we’re left relying on ReadBinary(count, bytes[255]) which similar to sending, you can call multiple times on a re-usable buffer until the function returns 0 bytes read.

To make working with data using these processes a bit easier, I implemented a ByteBuffer class, modelled exactly after Java NIO’s ByteBuffer. I feel allocating a re-usable fixed size buffer array which can be compact()ed, followed by a series of put(bytes[255]), and an eventual flip() to allow reading is both performant and simple to reason about.

Implementing this ByteBuffer class also gave me a better understanding of the Java ByteBuffer in the process, even though I’ve been using it for years, it helps to reinforce understanding of some of the implementation details.

So, using this process of connecting, filling buffers, parsing them according to the specification, sending responses and so on gives us a nice suite of functionality within the client itself. We also want to support custom subscribers which allow other code and mods to receive events from MQTT subscriptions.

UnrealScript of course does not have the concept of Interfaces, but does support inheritance, so by extending MQTTSubscriber, custom code can do what it needs to, using the receivedMessage(topic, message) on subclasses of that class.

UnrealScript also provides a very neat child/owner relationship between spawned Actors, and so we’re making use of this to attach subscribers to the MQTT Client. Two standard events the MQTTClient makes use of for this are GainedChild(child) and LostChild(child), which notify the client when a subscriber has been spawned as a child of the client. On gaining a child, the client can automatically establish a subscription for the subscriber’s topic, so it can start receiving those messages. Similarly, when it loses a child, the client can automatically clean up any related topic subscriptions.

This process allows neat life-cycle management of both the subscriber classes themselves, as well as the actual server-side topic subscription, by leveraging built-in language/system functionality.

Overall, I’m happy with the end result, both in final utility of the implementation, and it’s usability for users of the classes involved. It was also pretty educational and enlightening to see how this old single-threaded engine deals with network connectivity, and the process of building the ByteBuffer also helped reinforce my understanding of Java’s implementation as well.

Well, in the interests of Monster Hunt surviving a bit longer, I’m releasing the full UnrealScript source code.

Included is a basic license document, outlining in simple terms what you may and may not do. Basically, you may make any kind of MH mod or ‘sub-mod’, however you must give due credit for the original creation. Even if it’s very basic, please read it if you intend using it for creating a mod.

You’ll find the file at the end of this post… Have fun :)
