

// why am I so n00b?

Now that we have dependency management with Ivy working along with everything else covered before, we’ve covered almost everything required to start building real projects with Ant.

Another thing any real project should have, is unit tests. Thankfully, using the scaffolding already put in place in earlier parts of this series, integrating a JUnit testing task into our existing build script is really straight-forward.

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So far, we’ve covered the basics of creating a re-distributable .jar package suitable for use as a library, and building a Jar file which can be run by a user or server process.

A major part of any non-trivial application these days is the inclusion and re-use of 3rd party libraries which implement functionality your applications require. When a project starts, it’s probably easy enough to manually drop the odd jar library into a lib directory and forget about it, but maintaining a large application which depends on many libraries, which in turn depend on additional libraries for their own functionality, it can quickly turn into a nightmare to manage.

To solve this problem, many dependency management tools have been introduced, most notably, Apache Maven. Maven however, is so much more than just a dependency management tool, and is actually intended to manage your entire project structure. I believe however, the combination of Ant and Ivy provides far more flexibility, extensibility and control over your build and dependency management processes.

So, let’s integrate Apache Ivy into our Ant script as we left it in part 2.

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In part 1, we went over the basics of using Ant to create a redistributable .jar file, suitable for use as a library in other projects. A lot of the time however, you’re probably going to want to be building things which can actually be run as regular Java applications.

Once again, the code for this tutorial is available in GitHub. More usefully, you may want to see the diff between the part 1 script and the new one.

Here’s a quick explanation of what we’ve done to achieve an executable jar file:

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Apache Ant is a general-purpose build tool, primarily used for the building of Java applications, but it is flexible enough to be used for various tasks.

In the Java world at least, Ant seems to be largely passed over for the immediate convenience and IDE support of Maven, however long term, I believe a good set of Ant scripts offer far more flexibility and room for tweaking your build processes. The downside is that there’s a lot of stuff you need to learn and figure out and build by hand.

In this series of tutorials, I’ll try to document the process of learning I’ve gone through building and maintaining Ant build files, from the most basic of “just compile my stuff” steps to automatic generation of JavaDoc output, dependency management using Ant’s companion, Ivy, unit testing using JUnit, and integrating with some additional tools I’ve been using, such as Checkstyle and FindBugs.

For part 1 of this tutorial, I’ve created a simple Hello World library. It doesn’t have a main executable itself, the goal of this is to produce a .jar file we can include in other projects, to start our Ant script off fairly simply.

The source for this project can be found in GitHub. Here’s the breakdown of everything going on in this project:

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