

// why am I so n00b?

I wanted to add a unit conversion plugin to ZOMB and would really have liked to use an off-the-shelf existing API, but because this didn’t seem to exist in a nice hosted format already - I had to make it :).

The Units API is written in PHP, and is intended to provide an extremely simple and easy-to-use HTTP API for the conversion between various units of measure. Usage documentation is available on the project’s Github page.

I’m also hosting a publicly usable version, at the following URL, so hopefully next time someone needs this they don’t need to reinvent the wheel (again, refer to documentation linked above for usage):

As an aside, this project served as my first introduction to PHPUnit for PHP unit testing, and CI is once again provided by Drone.io which has performed admirably. Design-wise, it was another exercise in defining the public-facing API before a line of code was written, which served as an excellent guide and source of documentation as I worked on it (plus, there’s no need to worry about writing documentation when you’re done :D).